Bringing You the Books
that Light the Way

Welcome to Our Light Press
Mark Holder is a new author and the owner of Our Light Press, a publisher based in Tulsa Oklahoma. His books are of the Christian genre, and his first four are now available from Amazon. The titles are, His Call, Our Heart: It’s About A Relationship, Suffering For Joy: and Other Keys to the Kingdom of God, More Keys To The Kingdom: and Other Insights Into a Relationship With God, and The Keeper of the Name: What It Means to Be a Christian and Other Thoughts.
Mark has also released his first novel this summer. It is entitled “The Lead Change” and entails the beginning of the efforts of a man named Gaylen to guide his family out of the darkness they have been plagued by and into the Light that is Jesus. It too is now available on Amazon.
The Christian religion is viewed by the author as a desire by believers to invest our hearts in a relationship with God. Some of what Mark writes on the subjects that are covered in his books will be a new perspective for many readers; the challenge is to have an open mind and a spirit willing to be led by the Holy Spirit.
His Call, Our Heart
by Mark Holder
God wants everyone to answer His call. Jesus’ sacrifice and our transformed heart allow us the opportunity to be in relationship with God, and know Him as a person. The intimacy stemming from that knowledge positions us to receive all He has for us. Addressing topics such as salvation, prayer, obedience, and the kingdom, this discussion will help those who have responded or are considering their response to God.